Naruto Game é um site de fãs, não tendo nenhuma relação com qualquer série ou personagem citado no site, bem como nenhuma participação em qualquer etapa de produção ou comercialização da série.
Naruto Game is a web site made by fans, and dont have any relation with any series or characters cited, as well as any participation in any stage of production.
The web based system Naruto Game was developed by a team of fans of Naruto, being free, and non-profit project and may suffer changes at any time without previous notice.
All the rights realated to the WEB game System Naruto Game, as well as the use of the software and your data base, are properties to the referred
team, as reffered on Art. 1º e 2º on Law No. 9.609 of February 19, 1998 on the Protection of Intellectual Property of Software. The objective
of this site is mainly the divulgation of anime/manga as a source of culture to the general public, being property of creator, Masashi Kishimoto.
All images, logos, names of anime prevous reffered are trademarks of their creator, and the use of screenshots from characters and eventual references to the series do not
constitute violation of copyright owners series Art. 46, incise
VIII from Brazillian Law of Intellectual Property Law No. 9.610 of February 19, 1998 on Copyright and Neighboring Rights and art. 13 from Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
For all related questions about servers on what the specific to the game, is available and information originated from this server is funded by the fans team
or by third partners associates, and this system can be monitored for security purposes. All unauthorized access to this system, by any means, is prohibited, and
and the offender is subject to criminal sanctions applicable - subject to civil liability and compensation for consequential loss
and damages, pursuant to art. 186, 187 and 927, all the Brazilian Civil Code of 2002.
Under no circumstances will the site Naruto Game em>, as well as his staff officer or people or any related websites to this, be held liable for any user
legitimized by the occurrence or part of any direct, indirect, or other potential
consequential damages from use of this site or any of its links, since being aware
have the possibility - albeit taken all steps necessary for the proper
operation of the program by the team - the occurrence of such damage.
Any fundraising or donations to Naruto Game will be reversed in
improvements to the site, and the dissemination of this anime, in compliance with the project will not have any profit.
All donations are personal and not transferable, meaning they can not be transferred to another account or registered player in the game
By continuing to access Naruto Game, you are expressly agreeing to all
warnings and conditions mentioned in the site, as well as to all the terms above, further stating that you meet the requirements established in the Law on the content and use of this site.